Hey guys
At the last workshop we completed about 20 completed bags. This morning I completed 10 more. I made a delivery to the medical Center I first went to the 4th floor heart ICU to my surprise it was an empty room I never seen that in all my years I left 15 bags. I then went to the 2nd floor ICU and boy was it packed I went around and gave one bag to each family I started with 15 and ended with 2. I had a chance to visit with the patients rep. Tonya as we visited I noticed a little girl around 6 yrs old I had given her mother a bag the child was pulling out and examining all the contents of the bag when she came across the tooth brush and tooth paste she got up and headed straight to the bathroom and brushed her teeth. What a nice feeling god allowed me to stay behind and visit so I could see the rewards of our work.
god bless
I was in the ICU waiting room (2nd floor) on July 21, 2010 when you came in and distributed the ICU Kits. What a wonderful blessing it was that day to receive a gift from you. We stayed there until July 28, 2010 when my Dad, Bobby Caldwell, passed away. The items in the kits were greatly appreciated as was the time you put into them. I will be sending a donation soon to help your wonderful ministry. I urge everyone that reads this blog or is blessed with an ICU Kit or just wants to help to please send a donation. Thank you again. Sharon Manning, Swainsboro, GA