Spend your life Paying it forward!!!!!!!
Everyone is GODS Somebody

Monday, May 31, 2010


Friday, May 28, 2010

I made a delivery today!!!!!!!!!!

I delivered 50 bags to the Medical Center of Central Georgia. They were about 5 family's in the heart ICU, and about 12 to 15 families in the other ICU waiting room. Please pray for the ones that are there with their family's. And lets all be careful during this holiday weekend. Everyone is excited about Summer and they get in a hurry and accidents happened. So enjoy yourself but be SAFE!!


Wednesday, May 26, 2010


prayers for a special family

Please pray for the family of little Olivia. She is a little 6 year old who went to be with the lord yesterday afternoon. Loss is always hard no matter what age but its more difficult when they are are babies such as Olivia.
Please Lord lift her family into your arms today and comfort them through your strength and wisdom. A special prayer goes out to Julie Love a friend who made little Olivia a quilt over the weekend and delivered it to her just hours before she passed. Julie you will be blessed for such acts of kindness that you shared. It was the very first quilt completed and delivered from our Comforting Quilters group what a special gift to have our first quilt going to a remarkable family I just hope it will comfort that family during this time in their life.

God be with us all

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

We now have a facebook page

We are now on face book
ICU Survival Kits

Lets spread the work


Monday, May 17, 2010

making bags

Hope to see you all at the workshop
Thursday May 20th

Love ya para

Friday, May 7, 2010

A blessed day of prayer

What a great day yesterday. The day started with a phone call from a guy who lives in Miami, he wanted to thank us for his bag, what a blessing to get a call when that happens I realize we are touching lives. I hope he keeps in touch.

We had another successful day of sewing we completed 22 more bags. And Ms Kathy learned to use her new sewing machine praise the lord we have another sewer.

Hope to see you all on May 20 at the depot 1-6pm

Happy Mothers Day

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

chan 41

what a great day we had. Rachel from 41 came out and did the interview she was their about an hour what a sweet girl. I thought it went well we made lots of bags. Went went out in the rain and delivered to the Medical Center and the Coliseum around 60 bags were delivered. And the waiting rooms were full. The story was suppose to air at 6 but they had weather problems so it aired at 11 and then is on line so I hope you enjoy the interview she did a great job I cry every time I see it.

Don't forget the workshop on Thursday the 6th 1-6pm. At the depot


scroll down to tv and click icu story

Sunday, May 2, 2010

News media day

Hope to see you all Monday May 3rd at 930 am chan 41 news is coming to do a story on us. Lets spread the word to always pay it forward.
God Bless

Battle of Byron

We had a great day at the Battle. Sold a few pnuts. WeT made around 300.00 for our ICU fund. Thanks for all the help Ms Jessie, Carolynn, Julie, Barbara,Karla, Diane, Kathy. Judy, Ms Annie. I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!